
Friday, September 9, 2011

Ice Cream Man

So I wrote a song this summer.
It's about an Ice Cream Man.
I did lots of research, I checked, there's no other ice cream man song like it. Heh. Heh. Heh.
I also drew a picture (in MS Paint) to go with it. :) In the video, the picture changes color. You should listen to it. This is kind of a rough recording, but I think it gets the point across...

Oh! Here comes the Ice Cream Van
(if you haven't heard the story it's real grand),
so sit you down and maybe hold someone's hand,
because you're gonna hear the story of the Ice Cream Man.

"Jing jingaling ling jing jing ling"
that's the sound that precedes all the ice cream he brings;
"jing jingaling," all the children sing
when they hear that ice cream.

Now they say it happened maybe twenty years ago,
when the ice cream van drove door to door,
and the ice cream sold to every house in the land,
well, he was one happy ice cream man.

jing jingaling ling jing jing ling,
selling out of ice cream

then one fine day as school let out
he spied a gaggle of giggling girly girl scouts
selling Thin Mints, Samoas, and All-Abouts,
and that afternoon the drumsticks didn't sell out.

jing jingaling ling jing jing ling
he didn't sell out of ice cream

next day plastered all over the town
posters of four girls who couldn't be found,
then around the corner came that jangling sound:
"jing jingaling" in the heart of town.

"jing jingaling ling jing jing ling"
goes the ice cream van with the ice cream.

so he pulls up next to the newspaper stand
soon every mother with a paper had a cone in her hand,
sales were booming even higher than he had planned
and that made him one happy ice cream man.

"jing jingaling ling jing jing ling"
loud and clear that man did sing.

several years went by without a trace of Roxanne,
and no one ever found Daisy, Maisy, or Diane,
but if you listen to the whispers passed from sir to ma'am,
you'll hear, "we think there's more than ice cream in that ice cream van!"

jing jingaling ling jing jing ling,
four daughters' bodies frozen like ice cream.

yes, the rumor spread as only rumors can,
they said this man was even worse than the Ku Klux Klan,
"it takes an evil man to make an evil plan!"
and that's what they said about the ice cream man!

jing jingaling ling jing jing ling
goes the ice cream van with the ice cream.

now, you don't have to take my word,
after all it's just a small-town rumor I heard,
but when you hear the jingaling of the ice cream van,
remember the story of the ice cream man!

"Jing jingaling ling jing jing ling"
that's the sound that precedes all the ice cream he brings;
"jing jingaling," all the children sing
when they hear that ice cream.



  1. BEST SONG EVER! the lyrics crack me up, definitely the best song I've heard about an icecream man! I love the cabaret kind of style of the song, reminds me a bit of Amanda Palmer, which must mean it rocks! :) i was totally bopping to this!

  2. @LauraYay! I'm glad you like it, whenever I put a song out there it's kind of like putting my baby out for ridicule, so all I can hope is that even the people who like it will cancel out the people who don't... :) And Amanda Palmer is fucking amazing. Did you by any chance download the 8in8 project? It was fantastic, Neil Gaiman is also one of my favorite people, and the whole collaboration was great, plus it supports music education. Check it out.
